Thursday, October 25, 2012

Level 90! or am I?

So, after countless distractions (pet battles, I'm looking at you) I finally made it to 90!

I started queuing up for BG's as Ele but after realizing that no amount of THUNDAH would help some of these nubs I switched back to Enhancement.

I would have more RBG viability as Ele for the knockback but I enjoy melee too much! So after wasting about 6000 HP on Ele gear I started buying Enh gear only to find out that my guild is short on stealthies and won't run me as Enh...



So I decided to dust off my stealthies and start leveling them.

I'm excited because my first 2 classes were Druid and Rogue. Even thought I loved them to death I was a die-hard Enh Shammy for the longest time and I felt like I NEEDED a main and that I couldn't spend to much time on my alts. Since my highest level was Shammy at the time I just stuck with it.

I've forgotten how much fun stealthing is. Both my stealthies are still only mid 20's on this realm which is kind of disheartening. I just got to level 90 and I've already abandoned my Shammy and must now embark on a quest to get one of the others to 90 T_T.

I have a level 85 rogue and druid on my Horde realm, but now that me and Ixi play together I think we're gonna be sticking to Alliance. That's fine by me! There are Dwarves here! My only issue with that is that I do not want to pay to transfer and faction change my toons.

Either way I was going to be leveling all of my toons to 90 eventually anyway so I could use more professions in my AH PvP, I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

Now I only get on Shaman to do dailies so I can get the new Enchanting stuff from... uh... Those Panda's with the Enchanting stuff. (You know the ones)

Since I was predominantly on my Horde realm I have no BoA gear on my Alli realm so I'm farming Honor to convert to JP since it seems faster than running dungeons. Only things I need now for my Rogue are off-hand dagger and Head/Chest. Then I just need the new BoA Staff for my Druid!

I've decided I'm not gonna stress when I get to 90 on my Rogue/Druid. I'll probably miss out on this Season but I don't wanna treat WoW like it's my job and get burnt out again. I'm gonna have fun with it.

We'll see how this all works out later!

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#showtooltip Iji
/cast Vanish

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