Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rogue PvP in MoP

Rogue class crest is so sexy.
What every Rogue wants:
"they should put blind on a 10 second cooldown make combat readiness baseline  and change it to a 40% damage shield wall, give us a better recup called dark recuperation that heals us to full health but is on a short cooldown 
shiv should have no cooldown and have a huge aoe radius and stun anyone that stands in it, we should be able to teleport and summon demons and use chaos bolt" ~ Unseenz of ArenaJunkies
This had me rolling on the floor in laughter, but in all seriousness Rogues are in need of some tweaking for PvP.

The main QQ I see in various Rogue forums is that we don't put out enough damage. Being a pure damage class you'd think that wouldn't be an issue.

Rogues don't put out enough burst damage in PvP but our sustained damage is phenomenal according to PvE parses. It's mostly white hits though. I would take a 90% nerf to our white damage to improve our finishers by 25%. So much of our energy and combo points go to just keeping up Slice and Dice/Rupture that we don't frequently use our finishers.

I'm really missing Prep but Step is essential. Our mobility is bad enough as it is. Shadowstep or Preperation needs to be baseline. I would kill for Prep again.

I always thought that Rogues and Feral Druids should be the fastest classes on foot. Agile, nimble, speedy.
At the moment some other classes can kite us with no snares up on us. That's just sad. Our mobility is lacking severely.

So they gave us 45 sec sprint and a 1 min blind but CC wasn't where we were weak and having sprint up more doesn't matter when you're rooted. I think Sprint should break snares/roots. That would solve a lot of our mobility issues.

The blind change brings us more in line with the Warrior AoE Fear CD but I think Blind was fine the way it was. If anything Warrior's fear could use a longer CD.

It's sad when you love playing a class and you see class icons like Neilyo and Reckful both rerolling.

When you're feeling down about your PvP performance just remember that rogues still offer amazing control. Rogues damage outside of cooldowns is mediocre but the utility is still there

I don't know how they could fix rogues damage and mobility in PvP without giving an even bigger advantage in PvE. Hang in there guys. This stuff happens to every class and Blizz always ends up buffing, even if it does take them an entire Xpac.

Some resources to check out if you're serious about PvP:

ArenaJunkies (Check out Vishas and Hildegard's rogue guide - approved by Reckful)
SkillCapped (Even just the free videos can be a big help sometimes. Watch other class videos as well to get an idea on how they play and how they could counter you.)

If you have anymore PvP or Rogue resources I don't know about let me know in the comments!

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